Discovering the Timeless Treasures of Vatican City: An Enriching Journey

It is the best place for art and history lovers also it is a beautiful example of architectural designing. Vatican City is quite a small place, but it houses many pieces of culture, so it is great to visit for a weekend. Here in this all-embracing guide, all the famous and popular sites in Vatican City that ought to be visited will be outlined to help you make the best out of your trip.

Top Things You Should Not Miss in the Vatican

Vatican City is the world’s smallest country situated in the heart of Rome, although it is independent of Rome. With the Pope ruling over this city, it is fairly packed with choices which are can be enjoyed in a rather concentrated manner in a span of a short time. Some of the great features include great and impressive museums, great and iconic landmarks, and many more. Now it is high time to describe the most attractive sights, which are worth seeing:

1. Vatican Museums

The Vatican Museums are a set museum of art and Christian artefacts located within Vatican City. Established in the beginning of the sixteenth century by Pope Julius II the museums house works from the Roman Catholic Church and are homes to some of the finest Roman sculptures and some of the most incredible masterpieces of the renaissance.

The Pinacoteca

The second one, the main one named the Pinacoteca Vaticana, was opened on the 27th of October in the year 1932 by the Pope Pius XI. Painted masonry adorns the exterior of this building, which realistically displays over 400 paintings in 18 rooms, exhibiting the chronological order of Vatican’s paintings. The displayed works date back to the twelfth and nineteenth centuries and are represented by paintings from the masters of Italy including paintings by, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Giotto di Bondone and other eminent artists.

The history of art can be seen to unfold when you are touring around this place known as the Pinacoteca. In each chamber, one can hear history – from the medieval’s devotion to religion over reason all the way to the tapestries of the renaissances. Great works are Leonardo’s “St. Jerome in the Wilderness” and Raphael “Transfiguration” where the master is revealed.

2. Gallery of Maps

The Gallery of Maps is among the most impressive recalling parts of the Vatican Museums. Thus, architectural work was carried out between 1580 and 1585 by a team of Italian and Flemish painters with the help of geographer Ignazio Danti; the covered corridor has about 120 meters length and 6 meters width. It enchants the eye with forty geographic maps of different parts of Italy; above them the ceiling is painted with as many valuable frescoes that depict various incidents in the life of the regions represented on the maps.

It is not only the evidence of the scientific progress of the epoch, but also a unique creation of the British masters of painting, which attracts the guests with a variety of details and history. Similarly, the present gallery will take you back in time while offering the fine combination that is exhibited here of science and arts. Still, the maps give the observer a historic description of how the geographical concept of the 16th century looked like; though the frescoes upper part has its own historical and artistic tale to tell.

3. Sistine Chapel

Sistine chapel is one of the most popular destination in Vatican City and this particular place is also considered to be one of the great pride of renaissance. Known as the Chapel of Pope Sixtus which commissioned its renovation at 1477-1480, has been decorated with outstanding works of frescoes by Michelangelo. The pictures on the ceiling, the story which had been taken from the Book of Genesis, and the Last Judgment on the altar wall are among the masterpieces of painting known all over the world.

However, the Sistine Chapel is not only one of the most impressive pieces of art but also a church. It hosts the Papal Conclave that is a ceremony where the cardinals meet to choose a new Pope. A visit to the chapel is one of the most enthralling one as it provokes one’s artistic ceiling by Michelangelo and a glance at the past of the Catholics. The living stained effect and emotive genius of Michelangelo’s frescoes makes visitor stand in awe admiring the art work coupled with meditating in the godly meaning behind the images painted on the chapel walls.

In order to get the most out of your visit it is recommended to take part in a guided tour. This will in turn make you gain a deserved understanding of the chapels’ history and artwork to improve on your experience. You will be a tour guide to explain the meaning of the paintings on the frescoes and tell the story behind the life of Michelangelo that you cannot read from the texts.

4. St. Peter’s Basilica

With area of 6.4 hectares of area, Vatican City is home of the world’s biggest church, St. Peter’s Basilica. Having been erected at the burial place of St. Peter – one of the twelve apostles of Jesus the basilica congregation can hold 60, 000 standing and 20, 000 worshipping on seated positions. It is among the favourite sites one has to visit when on a tour since it has a beautiful architectural design.

The Vatican Grottoes

The Vatican Grottoes are situated in the basement of the basilica, in which there’re numerous tombs of different periods starting from the 10th century, where ninety former Popes are buried. This area provides atmosphere of calmness and quietness that can be useful for people to contemplate the history and mission of the Catholic Church. The Grottoes are rather gloomy but exciting – sure, here one can really sense the area’s background of centuries of religious practices.

Artistic Highlights

Today, St. Peter’s Basilica boasts many artworks among which one can mention the Bernini’s Baldachin, the Michelangelo’s celebrated Pietà, and, of course, the statue of St. Peter enthroned. All these are true testimonies of the artistic work and religious pull that defines this tremendous church. The best of them is Pietà executed by Michelangelo when he was only twenty-four years old – the sculpture that shocked everyone with its acting essence of the sculpture that depicts the Virgin Mary weeping over the dead body of Jesus.

Indeed, one has got to visit St. Peter’s Basilica and thus get to experience faith, culture and art in an ecstatic manner. Make sure that you set enough time which will enable you browse through the building observing the finer details and the historical background of the basilica. As one ascends the dome of the basilica in Vatican City, one gets stunning views of Vatican City and Rome in the distance and this is something that one should not miss.

5. The Vatican Gardens

Accompanying the Vatican Museums, Vatican Gardens are greenery covering an approximate area of 23 hectares in the vicinity of the city. These aesthetically located gardens came with plants, trees, water fountains, sculptures, and other beautification items and can be used to escape the growing throng of people.

There is a distinct section referring to English, French and Italian gardens which serve to delight the visitors. The memories of medieval period in terms of buildings as well as the sculptures and carvings of Catholic saints also enhance the importance of these gardens on historical as well as religious basis. Strolling through the gardens one can have a nice and calm time and understand why popes and clergy used to relax there.

However, to get most of the Vatican Gardens and its aesthetics and serenity, consider to make a tour guide booking. This will bring you a vivid information about the history and characteristics of the gardens hence making your visit more effective. These gardens brings together beauty of nature, aesthetic sense of art and religious priest in one place hence considered a must see place for visitors to Vatican City.

6. St. Peter’s Square

St. Peter’s Square is also a natural tourist attraction in Vatican City situated at the base of St. Peter’s Basilica. The square was also created by Berini; it can hold over three hundred thousand people, nevertheless, it is the religious procession and other performances’ place.

Facilities like, it has Eighty-eight pillars and Two hundred and eighty-four columns are located and frame the immediate vicinity of the square. With its magnificence and historical culture to add on the fact that the place is a square it becomes one of the uniqueness not to be missed place. The block at the center of the square obelisk that was transferred to Rome in ancient Egyptian times makes it even more ancient.

St. Peter square also forms the venue of the papal public blessing, papal blessings the audience and other papal activities that are attracting pilgrims and tourists across the globe. Going to any of these events entails a once in a life time experience whereby one is privileged to a sneak peek into the religious Domain of Vatican City. The unity of people in the attendees and their faith seems intense and the atmosphere evokes deep religious emotions.

Other Sites in Vatican City

Vatican Apostolic Library

The oldest library in Vatican was established in the 15th century known as Vatican Apostolic Library. It has a stock of manuscripts, books, and historical documents and therefore provides a wealth of knowledge and the past’s legacy.

People can navigate through a wondrous collection of books such as ancient manuscripts, manuscripts with illustrations, and others. The library also contains nice frescoes and artworks which enhance the cultural and aesthetic value of the place. The ambiance inside the library is rather pious and hallowed because people, both scholars and passersby, pause to appreciate the mighty collections of human wisdom and creativity.

Castel Sant’Angelo

Again, this is not in Vatican City, but it is just a stone’s throw away from Vatican – this is Castel Sant Angelo. Originally meant to be Hadrian’s tomb turned into a fortress it has been used in various functions such as Papal residence, or a prison.

Presently, it is a museum and people can have a great view of Rome and Vatican city from its terrace. They are capable of exhibiting sculptures, paintings, as well as interior and other historical items that give a true sense or rather a feel of this interesting history of the fortress. The structure of Castel Sant’Angelo is impressive in its design and a great mark in Romanesque architectural structure over the Tiber River.

Practical Information for Vatican City Tours

Dress Code

While in Vatican City, one is supposed to dress appropriately in respect to the many Catholics; this is because any form of indecent dressing is strictly prohibited especially within the Basilica of St Peters and the Sistine Chapel. For both sexes, the bare areas according to the American standards should be the neck, arms and the calf. The above dressing code explains the kind of dignity and honor that is expected of people in these holy places.

Tickets and Tours

If you want your visit to be more enjoyable, you can secure the tickets and the tours before you go and travel through the crowded gates. During the tours, professional tour guides provide informative explanations of the historical perspectives of the places, reviving their importance to the individuals. Almost all the tours also come with fast-track entry which is very advantageous, given that time is of the essence. Pre-booking is always important so that one is well organized for a visit and does not have to plan at the last minute.

Best Time to Visit

As one out of the seven world’s small independent states, Vatican City can be labelled as rather crowded, especially during the high tourist season and religious festivities. It is advisable to dine early in the morning or in the evening when most people are at work or school. Again, weekdays are less crowded than the weekends. Also, consult the Vatican’s calendar of events in case of events that might block your chances of visiting the place. As for the time of the day, it is better to choose early morning as it is quiet and one can walk at a slower pace.


Vatican City, or city state, is tiny but packed with history, arts and spiritual essence. From site of Sistine chapel to the marvelous St Peter Basilica there are many more bewildering sites to visit. This island city-state can be effectively visited in a weekend, and one is able to get the most popular attractions of the country.

Being one of the most spiritual places in the world due to its history and religious importance, Vatican City is surely going to present all tourists an unforgettable experience. No matter how historically inclined, artistic or religious one is, there is always something to catch his or her attention. The layers of history are present in the actual structure of the place, the depth of the artwork and creativity shown in it, and the spirituality of Vatican City all together make it an extraordinary travel.

So be ready for the great trip through the history, rich art, and beliefs of one of the most important organizations in the contemporary world — the Catholic Church. There is more to Vatican City, and the catacombs signify that this jewel of Christendom is ready to unveil its ageless wonders to the guzzlers who wish to penetrate its interiors. Starting with the beautiful gardens of Vatican up to the premises of St. Peter’s Basilica, every nook and cranny of this city-state is history in the making and you are part of it.

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