Discovering Marseille’s Culinary Delights: Must-Try Traditional Dishes

Marseille is a city situated in southeastern France and its food culture entails seafood, although there are many meat and vegetable meals. As for French gastronomy which has a great reputation all over the world with its versatility and fine dining, Marseille can boast the same. Thus, this article would describe a wide variety of foods you can enjoy in this energetic city and its surroundings to make sure everyone would have an amazing gastronomical journey.

Let’s travel through the taste buds to know more about the classic French dishes such as tapenade, and the famous ratatouille. Hi, did you or anyone you know try these dishes? Now it might be a good time to explore what the cuisine of Marseille has to offer.

Thus, one can speak about France as for the country, which is really a paradise for the lovers of tasty dishes. The presented gastronomy is cultural in the highest sense as it has an impact on food culture in the world. The type of food is extremely expansive, since not only the ingredients originating from the rich soils can be utilized in the meals, but also the cooks’ imagination.

Marseille located on the coast of Mediterranean is famous with food which is rather plain but richest and, in particular, with seafood. However, the gastronomic palette of the city also presents dishes – hot plates with vegetables, stews, salads, and various types of juicy meat dishes.

In a nutshell, anyone in the search of a culinary experience, cannot afford to miss Marseille. Are you ready to start your exposure to the places offering food? Here is a list of some of the foods that locals should not miss to taste;

The Great History of Culinary Traditions of Marseille

Marseille holds a lot of value for any food connoisseur and its food culture, traditions and style are all inextricably linked to its historical past and location. Marseille is a city that has been inhabited since 600 BC by the Greeks and has absorbed the flavors of the Mediterranean present on the local territory for centuries. The food of the city also does justice to the multicultural background of the place and boasts of the fusion of Mediterranean, French, and even the North African influence.

The sea food particularly from the Mediterranean sea has clearly shaped the cuisine of this city of france. Thus, the constant availability of fresh seafood can be considered a distinctive characteristic of local culinary traditions. The fish caught by fishermen is transported from the sea directly to markets and restaurants within the city for the seafood dishes to be qualities and tasty.

It can also be noted that the local cuisine is also formed based on its status as a port city. Marseille is now aware that in history, she has always been a host to people and ingredients as a trade and interchanging center of Mediterranean and other regions of the word. This has led to fusion between French cooking and quite a number of exotic spices and flavors to produce the current variety.

Meal to Try out in Marseille

Marseille traditionally is also a place where you can taste various cuisine suitable for any palate and the primary feature of which is fish dishes. However, there are many more mouth-watering products where these are not found.

1. Tapenade

It goes without saying that tapenade is one of the most typical recipes of Marseilles. This is ready-made and tasty paste prepared from anchovy fillets, black olive, capers, olive oil and lemon juice. IT IS CONSIDERED A STARTER DISH THAT IS TYPICALLY ACCOMPANIED BY BREAD, CRISPS, VEGETABLES, CHEESES AND Salads. To tapenade, like the name insists, is presented in most of the restaurants across the region and it is suitable for any meal’s starter.

Originally, tapenade is a cuisine from the region Provence and an element constitutive of the identity of Marseille. This dish contains plenty of olives that have a briny salt taste; anchovies make the dish even saltier; capers add a hint of tartness. The tapenade also has a lot of uses – apart from being served as an accompaniment to bread or with vegetables and leaves as a meze, it is also ideal when used as a paste smeared over fish to be grilled, or chicken or even a few vegetables to be grilled.

Not only is there the well known black olive tapenade which can be substituted with green olive tapenade or even sun-dried tomato tapenade or red pepper tapenade. This list is a set of distinct creations based on this staple and evidences the innovation of the food culture in Marseille.

2. Bouillabaisse

This entrée is the famous fish stew namely Bouillabaisse, which originated from the southern part of France specifically Marseille. This includes rascasse fish, conger eel fish, sea bass fish with potatoes, vegetables and some herbs. Specifically, the ingredients are stewed at a low heat till they get a creamy consistency. Traditionally, the dish is served in two parts: What is more, there is one bowl with the fish and another with the broth. However, if you wish you may have them together and the taste is even better because it is rich and delicious.

The history of bouillabaisse dates back to the Roman era when fisher-men would make a soup of whatever fish was available. This dish has gone through a long process of preparation resulting into what can be described today as a classic dish representing the historical gastronomic tradition of the city of Marseille.

Still, lemon lover must mention that the gratinée, the garlic saffron emulsion rubbed on the rims of the plates serving bouillabaisse, is mayonnaise-related. The rouille give a thickness to the soup, also changes the taste of the fish and the broth that used for making. Drinking bouillabaisse is a feast for all senses; and therefore, you are reminded of the south of France as you take in the beautiful aroma of the stewed fish and vegetables.

3. Bourride

Empanadas- These are Spanish for “in little uniforms” or a pie that is stuffed with chicken or beef as well as for bourride, a hot boiled fish soup that is made out of cod or any white fish. This also also includes vegetables, white wine and Aioli which is a garlic mayonnaise sauce that is so popular in the Mediterranean region. Due to its somewhat tender texture and the rich presence of cream in the dish, I would recommend this dish to anyone who is coming to the region.

As for the bourride, the secret is in the garlic mayonnaise or more precisely, an emulsion of garlic and olive oil which should be creamy and thick. This sauce is then added to the broth; and it makes the soup very smooth and thick in texture. The white wine is added to the sauce to rectify the thick texture of the aioli to give a balance taste of the dish making it more comforting.

Bourride can be eaten with Bread, it is recommended to be crusty bread to help relish the juice of the dish. Such a dish made from tender fishes, aromatic vegetables and rich creaminess of the aioli will definitely provide a quality and nourishing meal for locals as well as for the tourists who are in a search of the best cuisines to taste.

4. Anchoïade

In general, the anchoïade is a notable part of the culinary culture of Marseille. This paste prepared from anchovy contains garlic, vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. Used as a first course with bread, toast or crackers is Anchoïade and can also be used in entrees as it gives a rich saltiness.

Rather pungent to taste, it is a clear indication of Meditteranean cooking in the gastronomy of Marseille. The anchovies are salty, and rich in umami, the garlic speaks for it by adding a pungent flavor. The vinegar gives some sharpness to the falvor and it is perfect for balancing the oily texture of the anchovies and the olive oil.

In the original dish, anchoïade is consumed on a slice of bread, however; it can also be served as a sauce or a dressing for any raw food, including vegetables. It also features in Provençal cooking for example in a dish of vegetables filled with the forcemeat or grilled fish. Anchoïade has always been a big part of the inhabitants’ dinners and, due to its ability to be served in so many ways, is adored and highly valued in Marseille.

5. Feet and Legs in French is known as Pieds et Paquets.

Pieds et Paquets is a historical recipe in Marseille that is somehow related to flopping spuds but was a first-class dish in Spain and better recognized today as tripe. The main lovely members include the lamb tripe and feet season with herbs, spices, white wine, onions, and carrots among others. This dish is perfect for those cold days and gives a rather homely touch to the local Russian cuisine.

However, it should be noted that the basics of Pieds et Paquets can be linked to the Provencal peasant style of cooking when all parts of meat were used to make tasty and healthy meals. It gives a tender feeling with the lamb tripe and feet cooked in a mixture of vegetables and spices that would satisfy the palate and bring comfort.

Born out of Provence, Pieds et Paquets is mostly eaten with bread; crusty bread to be precise, as this is ideal to dip in the tasty stock. It has to be said that it is a real discovery of the talent and inspiration of the Marseille cuisine which turns simple and ordinary products into a symbol of the city and a rather popular dish.

6. Soupe au Pistou

For this reason Soupe au Pistou is an excellent example that demonstrates a variant of offer that is evident in French foods. It is stated that such form appeared from the pesto used by Italians who brought the recipe to the United States but adjusted it to the local environment. This vegetable soup is normally taken during summer as it is light and healthy, though it is taken all through the year.

Pistou is actually like pesto that is used in Italy with the only difference of the absence of pine nuts. The basil, garlic, and fresh olive oil make it into a rich green sauce with a pungent taste which complements the soup. The soup which is a dish of mixed fresh vegetables including; tomatoes, zucchinis, green beans and potatoes boiled in soup stock.

Soupe au Pistou is more of a pride of the summer exhibit since it employs the bright colors and flavors of the season. Pistou gives a rather fresh and herbal note on top of the natural sweetness from the vegetables added to it. This soup perfectly illustrates what kind of dishes you can find in the traditions of the culinary culture of Marseille, having received an interditation of different cuisines.

7. Ratatouille

Ratatouille is a dish that became recognized worldwide due to the Disney movie of the same name, it is a vegetable stew that consists of eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, garlic, and tomatoes. It means that this rather colorful and flavorful dish corresponds to the home-like and family-oriented nature of the inhabitants of Marseille. It is one of the best ways to enjoy the true taste of Marseille while treating the body to nutritious foods.

This silent culinary can be said to have originated from the farmers of Provence who would prepare this dish with various available summer vegetables. The vegetables however, are usually cooked in olive oil and allowed to soft and absorb the flavors through stewing.

Ratatouille is usually served as a vegetable side dish although it can be a main dish or a topping for pasta or rice. The preparation of the vegetables is a marriage of sweet and Savoury that accompanied with the flavours of Garlic and Herbs makes this dish hearty and fulfilling. Surprisingly, Ratatouille is the story about pleasure of pure, clean, natural and fresh food made according to traditions of Provencal cuisine of Marseille.

Other Parts of the Culinary Segment in Marseille

However, that is in fact far from the truth as the culinary scene of Marseille is quite diverse and goes way beyond the traditional dishes. Marseille being a port city and cultural melting pot has seen chefs and different initiators of culinary creativity hence a dynamic culinary culture.

Moreover, besides Provence’s specialities, you have the opportunity to taste culinary traditions of different countries in restaurants and shandis of Marseille. Theconsumerbase in the city present a great diverse quality that has greatly been revealed through its diverse foods ranging from Moroccan tagine, Lebanese mezze,Italian pastas, and Japanese sushi. This diversity can be seen in the food markets of the Marseille like the Marché des Capucins and Marché du Prado where one can get different sorts of ingredients and cuisines originating from various parts of the world.

This makes it possible for them to have a meal which has focused on the fresh food culture and particularly the foods from within the region. Being situated right on the Mediterranean Sea and in close contact with the rich green farmland of Provence, all types of fresh and flavorful seafood, vegetables, and herbs are easily obtained. This is why many restaurant and chefs in Marseille pay attention to the source of their components in general, and the marketplace specifically, focusing on delivering meals that are good for both the consumers and the planet.

Culinary Tours and Experiences

For those longing to go beyond basic meals in Marseille there are lots of food tours and cooking classes for you. It can be said that these experiences provide a very effective and touch-and-feel approach towards the local food and tradition.

Another social culinary excursion includes using food-focused guides who will show you around the places that include but are not limited to markets, bakeries shops, as well as restaurants. They usually include food and drink samplings of local products like the seafood, regional cheese, and pastries. Moreover, you will discover the background and importance of each dish, along with the background of the people and places that introduce delicious Marseille dishes.

Even if you do not intend to cook, there are many Marseille cousine specialties that can be even learned in case you take a cooking class. Numerous local chefs and cooking schools can show you how to cook the traditional Provençal meals like bouillabaisse, tapenade, ratatouille and Anchoïade. They usually take the participants to a nearby market to shop for the food items needed then they cook the food, and end up having a meal by preparing a meal for themselves with the food they have prepared.

If one and the same type of cuisine does not induce excitement, it would be useful to invite a local culinary master to your residence for the dinner. This enables one to have a very good time mostly to have a very good meal in an appropriate environment whereby you can get to know the cook and his or her ideas regarding food preparation and what inspired the food that you’re eating. Be it a picturesque farmhouse or an elegant flat in the city, the clients of these private dining services get a truly unique and genuine taste of the Marian food traditions.


There again is a city of Marseille; the exotic site of variety of interesting places of cultural, historical and even natural interest. For culture vultures, there are ancient cathedrals, historic lighthouses, squares and old quarters, for beach lovers there are beautiful beaches and for nature lovers, they have forests, parks, and gardens. Regardless of whether one’s interest is rooted in history, nature, or the desire for something new, the most visited sites in Marseille are sure to deliver. Read on to find out more about what to do in the charming area and learn more about the best attractions in Marseille.

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