Bordeaux’s Countryside Charms: 7 Gorgeous Villages to Visit

Every village around the Bordeaux region is equally beautiful and attractive, with well-founded history background, built-in antique buildings, and well-organized culture events. Here are some highlights to consider when planning your visit:


Saint-Émilion is one of the oldest wine producing regions in the world and is scenically situated in the village just 40 kilometers away from Bordeaux. The winemakers that dominate the landscape of this region grow predominantly Merlot and Cabernet Franc as you will see from the many wine farms found in the region.

Historic Center

Saint-Émilion has antique architectural design of medieval street and aged stone houses that depict the historical background. The village is especially famous for the Monolithic Church – the temple of the XII century in fact – which was hacked out of a single block of limestone. The church and two sections, the catacombs and the cloister, offer a good example of how churches that were built during the middle Ages looked like. The bell tower is a great dominance where that can be ascended and receives beautiful views of the vineyards and the country side.

UNESCO World Heritage Site

Actually, in 1999, Saint-Émilion was in the list of UNESCO World Heritage site for the sable historical architecture and its importance as wine making region. The village and its vineyards present therefore a remarkable well-preserved historic vineyard landscape which is also virtually operational. There is a tour that operates around the town that entails wine tasting as well as the church of Monolithic Church. While strolling around the village’s cobblestoned streets you can enjoy visiting numerous wine shops with different stocks of local wines.

Wine Tours and Tastings

Tasting of the wines is possible after a guided tour through the vineyards and wineries; connoisseurs will have an opportunity to taste the best wines from all over the world. Most of the châteaux have set tours which may comprise of wines, wine cellars and then a wine tasting. This makes one to be able to go through the Modern Wine production process and be in a position to admire the kind of work that goes into production.


Arcachon is a coastal town near the Bay of Biscay and it has beautiful beaches together with a suitable climate for water sports and traveling.


The beaches facing Arcachon are wonderful for sunbathing, swimming, surfing, sail boarding and sailing. It is divided into four districts, namely the Ville d’Hiver, which literally means winter town; the spring, autumn, and summer districts; and the best-liked beaches are in the summer town. The Plage d’Arcachon is particularly suitable for families; the beach is monitored and the sea is quite calm, the coast is filled with an entertaining pedestrian zone, where various shops, cafes, and restaurants are situated.

Dune of Pilat

Over near Arcachon there is the Dune of Pilat, the highest sand dune in Europe. The climb to the top gives one an opportunity to see the stunning view of the Atlantic Ocean and the Arcachon Bay which is famous for hiking and photography. The dune which is over 2 kilometers in length. It is a natural geological formation standing 7 kilometers and is a recommendation for anyone who is going to be in the area. They can climb the dune, fly kites, or they may just walk around and enjoy the wonderful sightseeing.

Oyster Farming and Tasting

Arcachon is also well known for oyster farming business. Boat tours of the oyster farms are available and the process of cultivating oysters is explained On one of the seafood restaurants customers can try fresh oysters. Some of the places of interest include the oyster festivals that are held severally in the year though you will enjoy the oysters and musique et spectacle also.

Arcachon Bay

The bay itself is excellent for bird watching and anyone who would like to enjoy nature. The Île aux Oiseaux (Bird Island) that can be reached by boat houses many programs for birds. The other attraction is the Banc d’Arguin which is sandbank that becomes visible during low tide, it is famous for bird watching and picnicking.


Villeneuve-sur-Lot was founded at 1253 and till today it is equipped with the atmosphere of the European medieval town preserved by the old streets, squares and buildings.

Gujac Museum

It has both a classical and a contemporary structure and houses French art of the eighteenth to twentieth centuries. This collection consists of paintings, sculptures and decorative arts and will give an impression of the over all picture of the French art. It could be commented that the fact that the museum is located in a beautifully restored building is its advantage.

Pont des Cieutats

One of the bridges that lie on the Lot River albeit providing vantage views of the city. The bridge erected in the 13th century is one of the most significant pieces of architecture and an engineering phenomenon of the medieval period. Moving through the bridge one is able to see the view of the river and the area around it.

Espace Archéologique D’eysses

Archaeological discoveries and the historical background of the area can be seen by visiting this place, which is highly appreciated by history enthusiasts. On the territory of the house, ruins of a Gallo-Roman villa, flooring mosaics, and items that may reveal the patterns of people’s existence in the early ages have been preserved. The site is also open for guided tours; the guides give much information about the site and its importance in the history of the area.

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In Villeneuve-sur-Lot, you can arrange for a Town Trail which will provide guided tours which covers the medieval fortifications part of the town, old town square and also the historic churches. This serves a good purpose as it offer the visitors a chance at understanding the town’s past and the rich culture that is present.


Cadouin is a nice village that delivers to the viewer the feel of Middle Ages through the preserved architecture.

Cistercian Abbey

Serves as a part of a number of routes known as the ways to Santiago de Compostela and is one of the oldest and well-known abbey complexes belonging to UNESCO. Founded in 1115 the abbey boasts of having Gothic design with wonderfully preserved cloisters. The abbey complex can be viewed from the inside and guests can take a look at the church, the cloister, and the chapter house to make an idea of the monastic life that used to exist in the Middle Ages.

Medieval Festival

Held every year in mid August the festival includes costumes and games, food and dances and all are depicted and done in 12th century style. This is a colourful event in which people of the village and tourists dress up in medieval costumes and engage themselves in different activities. It also has the provision of jousting match, Medieval music and dance and the authentic medieval crafts’ display.

Grotte de Cussac

People who are inclined to discover Paleolithic art should not miss the Grotte de Cussac that contains more than a hundred and fifty paintings from the Upper Paleolithic period. The discovered in 2000 is filled with pictures in the form of engravings and paintings that represents animals, human and geometrical shapes. The cave is accessible and there are guided tours whereby tourists are informed about the lifestyle and the culture of prehistoric people through the paintings on the walls of the cave.

Craft Workshops and Tradesmen’s Stores

Cadouin has many small stores selling crafted items and many studios where the artisans are seen at work and where one can get crafted goods. These are in the areas of pottery, textile and wood carving and all demonstrate the culture of the village.


On the cliff over the Dordogne river there stands the beautiful village of Beynac-et-Cazenac which has rather narrow stairway and houses of stone.

Beynac Castle

This is one of the most intact medieval castles which presents a beautiful view of the Dordogne River and the whole area. The castle is from the 12th century and participated in the events of the Hundred Years’ War; throughout the years the castle had kings and important persons staying with it, such as Richard the Lionheart. The castle was made open for visitors, where they are allowed to climb up the towers, the ramparts, and even some of the inside rooms with some ancient items and relics displayed.

Outdoor Activities

The village is great for trekking, biking, and other water activities on Dordigne River which entails canoeing or kayaking. Several marked trails can be used to explore the beautiful countryside with nice view of river and the hill as well. Renting of canoe and kayak is possible to enable you explore the river in your own time.

Historic Walks and Tours

Getting in an organized tour of the villages such as Beynac-et-Cazenac helps one appreciate the history and architectural structures better. The tours follow routs such as the castle, the old town, and other attractions that are explained in detail on why they are of importance.

Cultural Events and Festivals

Due to the historical value of the village, the village has a rich calendar of local and international events such as medieval fairs, music shows, and art shows among others. These events are oriented to demonstrate the historical background of the village and give people an opportunity to watch the alive theatre.


Monpazier is especially famous for the historical part, which kept almost all the buildings from the 13th century.

Historic Center

It is considered as one of the most beautiful villages in France with its Gothic architecture and carefully planned crowed with narrow streets. The central square of the village is known as Place des Cornières while the houses, as well as the shops, surrounding this place have arcaded fronts and what a wonderful façade they all boast of! There is always something going on in the square; markets, cafes, and other events are held in the course of the year.

Cultural Activities

Different festivals and concerts are performed in the village; people can meet artisans who show their working studios. Such events aim at highlighting the village’s artistic culture and artistic works and an occasion to buy artistic and authentic products. An important annual event for Monpazier – Festival of Art and Crafts with presentations of exhibits, performances, and master-classes.

Monpazier’s Fortified Church

Another place that you should not miss to visit within the village is the Eglise Saint-Dominique, which is a fortified church. The church construction was started in the 13th century, and this results in a Gothic and Romanesque design; the hemispheres are thick-walled with built-in defenses due to the historical sanctuary during the wars.

Local Markets and Gastronomy

Monday and Friday are the days of the week when the fresh products such as cheeses, meats, fruits and vegetables, are sold in Monpazier markets. You can have exquisite local meals in the restaurants and cafes of the village; more specifically, you can try Périgord meals that include such delights as foie gras, truffles, and confit of duck.

La Roque-Gageac

The village of La Roque-Gageac is situated close to the feet of high rising cliffs and on the sides of Dordogne River and it looks rather medieval and picturesque.


The walking and natural brick made buildings of La Roque-Gageac are artistic structures for tourists. The village’s churches and an elegant looking house known as Mansión de Tarde should be pointed out. The houses are small; some of them are chiselled in the rock like troglodyte residences and the elaborate terrace gardens are also special architectural features. Eglise Saint-Sacerdos, the village’s Renaissance styled church also offers beautiful frescoes and stained glasses including the choir donated by the famous artist Marc Chagall.


There are magnificent gardens around the village with various plants such as palm trees, banana trees, agaves, fig trees and cacti to make the visitors feel sensational of nature beauty. The church along the river with its cobbled path and the coffee place with the live torch hang in the Jardin Exotique situated on the cliffs is quiet and offers the glimpsed view of river and the village below.

Boat Tours and Canoeing

Gabare boats or canoe are available during to help visitors to navigate the Dordogne River. These boat tours provide rather a different view of the village and the proximal area, and the guides add the historical and cultural description of places. For the more physically inclined there is also an opportunity to rent a canoe and explore the river on your own.

Historic Sites and Monuments

This Community of communes is a historic site and has many historical monuments such as the Manoir de Tarde, a Renaissance mansion of the sixteenth century and the ruins of the castle-fort of the twelfth century. These sites give an insight of historic part of the village and the importance of this village in this region.

Culinary Delights

The village contains restaurants and cafes opened to the outside, where one can try the freshest dishes made from local and seasonal products and based on local recipes. When dining be prepared to be serenaded by the river view because I can also recommend the duck breast, the river fish and the walnut cake.


Near Bordeaux there is a number of villages that represent different historical and cultural peculiarities of the region and various attractions for tourists depending on their preferences regarding landscape and nature. From vineyards of Saint Émilion to the sun kissed sand of Arcachon the serene beauty of Cadouin attracted travellers looking for a dash of leisure with culture enriching sightseeing. Do not miss out on the beautiful villages in and around the beautiful city of Bordeaux, for every location is filled with a unique and delighting experience in the wine country of the south of France.

From history lovers to wine and nature lovers, the villages near this town of Bordeaux provide each and every one of them the vacation of their dreams. This is due to the variability in their culture and history, impressive history of architecture and natural splendor. Thus, pack your bags and step out to unveil the off beat picturesque of the region that is Nouvelle-Aquitaine where a village and a visit can be a memory you would cherish.

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